Green Energy Group leads the environmental strategy of companies – ALAMBRA Dairy Industry

Green Energy Group leads the environmental strategy of companies
A model of sustainable development is the ALAMBRA Dairy Industry

Consistently promoting Renewable Energy Sources and strengthening sustainability, Green Energy Group utilizes advanced technologies, consolidating its position as a reliable partner for the implementation of the environmental goals of several businesses in Cyprus.

Alambra Dairy, an important partner in the Group’s portfolio, exemplifies the goal of sustainable development. ALAMBRA Dairy, one of the largest industries in the cheese industry in Cyprus, is committed to its significant contribution to reducing its environmental footprint. As part of its strategic policy for a sustainable environment, it actively contributes to the protection of the environment and the saving of natural resources with innovative actions.

From 2021, the Group accompanies the green transition of the Alambra Dairy Industry, implementing sustainable practices and contributing to the completion of its environmental strategy.

A recent agreement for the expansion of photovoltaic facilities, which concerns the production of energy for self-consumption, is set to further strengthen the company’s operational efficiency and energy independence.

By upgrading the energy profile of critical buildings such as the skylight building, the storage center and the new Alambra Fresh Milk plant, Alambra Dairy is helping to enhance environmental health and reduce negative impacts on the community.

With the Net Billing self-consumption plan, Alambra Dairy ensures a significant reduction in electricity consumption from the EAC network, while at the same time actively contributing to the protection of the environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions by over 1,434 tnCO2e, the which correspond to approximately 57,380 thousand trees.

The implementation of this environmental project reflects the Group’s vision to enhance business sustainability and reduce its ecological footprint. With firm commitment and consistency, the Group continues to develop advanced renewable energy solutions, systematically improving the energy efficiency of businesses in Cyprus.