Re-election of Charalambos Kyriakou as Vice President of SEAPEK

Charalambos Kyriakou, COO of our Group, was re-elected on June 28, to the position of Vice President of the Association of Renewable Energy Companies of Cyprus. (SEAPEK).

Charalambos represents the Green Energy group as a member of SEAPEK since 2011, and since 2016 he participates as Vice-President of the Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors is made up of 9 members and after a vote is formed into a body.

Members of SEAPEK are the RES companies, which are represented by the person that each company declares as its representative.

The association has a total of 43 members (RES companies) and aims to include the rest of the companies that are not members so that there is a homogeneity of positions and avoiding problems in the energy sector such as for example the qualification of a profession that was not possible until today. However, following the initiative and effort of SEAPEK, the process of certifying installers and companies was secured through various programs approved by the Ministry of Energy and ETEK.

The purpose of the association is generally the promotion of RES.

The task of the association is to identify and communicate ways to promote RES (with the majority being photovoltaic systems), to consult with all Energy agencies such as the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Trade, the Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority, the Electricity Authority, and the Distribution Network Manager in order to optimally manage Energy issues in our country based on the new developments.

The role of the association is very important and has been recognized by all agencies for 19 years. He participates in committees and has a role in the regulatory decisions and reforms of RES in Cyprus.

The President and Vice-President have the responsibility and duty to contribute substantially and be present in all parliamentary committees on energy matters, and on the Board of Directors of the OEB (Federation of Employers and Industrialists) which handles energy matters. Also, their participation and contribution is mandated in all meetings of semi-state or state bodies dealing with the promotion of RES.

Within the association there are the monthly scheduled meetings, the extraordinary meetings based on developments in the sector where the new data and legislations in Cyprus and in Europe are thoroughly examined. In addition, the annual general meeting with the participation of all members of the association was secured for the presentation of the report of the year, the procedures of the Association and the program and ways of achieving new goals.

Charalambos emphasizes the important role of the association in the energy events of our country and the valuable dedication and assistance provided by the members to the board of the association, which has the responsibility of effectively promoting the positions of the Association.