“Electrification with 1000” Grant Scheme

The “Electrification with 1000” grant scheme is included in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan and is financed by the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism (RMM) of the European Union. The main objective of the plan is to promote electrification through the development of an extensive network of electric vehicle recharging points.

More details in the Plan Guide (Phase 2)


Parking spaces for public use such as municipal and community parking spaces, private parking spaces (e.g. parking spaces of department stores, hotels, supermarkets, banks, private hospitals, shopping centers, etc.), petrol station spaces, recharging station spaces, and fake spaces parking (on street parking or along the road surface).


With an aid intensity of 20% up to 45% based on the General Block Exemption Regulation (EU) 651/2014 (GKAK) and with a maximum amount of funding as presented in Table 1.

The costs are subsidized for:

  • the purchase of the recharging station
  • the preparation of an electrical study for the installation of the recharging station
  • the installation of the recharging station
  • the connection to the electricity supply network
  • necessary construction works for the installation of the station
  • auxiliary equipment necessary for the operation of the station
  • marking the recharge point and putting up a sign


Physical person, legal person (companies, unions, institutions, federations), NGOs, legal person under public law, local government authorities, who carry out economic activity for the purpose of this Plan, and are owners or tenants of parking spaces for public use and are active in areas that are under the control of the Republic of Cyprus. It is clarified that the beneficiaries do NOT include: Physical person who do not carry out an economic activity for the purpose of this Plan, legal entities that aim to install the station for private use (e.g. charging a fleet of vehicles organization).

Learn more here https://ev1000.cea.org.cy/